What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

Michail came out at the last minute to give a 2nd opinion  about a water spill and cleanup at my home. He gave some good advice even though another vendor had already started the clean up work. He didn't ask for a fee for the visit, and was friendly and helpful. I will definitely  call them  first if I ever need cleanup/restoration services again in the future.

Excellent service.

SERVPRO did a wonderful job of cleaning up the apartment of an elderly family member who had been unable to care for himself or clean his apartment for quite sometime, creating a hazardous living situation. SERVPRO was able to help me in a very short amount of time; was flexible with payment options; and sensitive to the entire situation. The team was friendly and courteous, and walked me through step-by-step of what they had done when the job was complete. They took a job that few other companies would for a much more reasonable price than I had been quoted elsewhere.